Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What a Difference a Week Makes!

I don’t remember April being such a dynamic “grow” month?! Last year at this time, I was up to my eyeballs in weeds. (Apparently my charming daughter caught me in the act of weeding last April – unsuspectingly, as I listened to something on my iPod attached to my back pocket.) 

(Note -- "Weed and Muck Hell")

I remember Day lilies coming up, and the Pasque Flower being an early riser in the past – but WOW, this year the perennials really have gone wild! I’m in ‘Garden Nirvana’, and it’s not even Mother’s Day!  This weekend I fell in love with my backyard again! The Crabapple tree has flower buds that are bursting at the seams. The Columbine has naturalized itself all underneath the Redtwig Dogwoods.

The textures and the colors are so striking. I’m enamored and went crazy taking pictures…

The “Center Glow Ninebark” (Physocarpus opulifolius)

The boldness of the Royal Purple Smoke Bush (Cotinus Coggygria) and the Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans)…

The texture of the greens on the “Crimson Pixie” Asiatic Lily

The whisper-softness of the Cheddar Pinks (Dianthus gratianoplitanus “Firewitch”) flower bud…

And I had a friend bearing gifts!  I inherited some Hostas and Rudibeckia harvested from my pal's garden, and I only had to trade some Asiatic Lilies and a few branches of that crazy leafing Redtwig Dogwood from the front stoop's big pot.  Awesome!!  AND.. can you believe I haven't even peaked yet?....

I started my 'Southwest Garden' with the planting of "The Three Wiseman" - the Emerald Green arborvitae that found their way into my truck last Sunday!  You should have seen the "happy face" on my husband when I was ready to plant those babies!  (I can't believe he's still talking to me!) 

Sunday, April 11, 2010

But Honey, I NEEDED it! Honest!

Currently I’m surfing quite an adrenaline high! Yesterday, I went ‘window shopping’ at one of my garden center haunts – to see what I could see. I brought my big, strapping son with me for some ‘mother-son’ bonding (“college-man” isn’t home too often, so I take advantage of any time I can get). While it’s still early in the garden season here in IL – there were plenty of treasures to behold…

Before I even got through the gates to garden bliss, I noticed a large section of Emerald Green Arborvitae on skids outside the entrance. As you will recall – I’m still in therapy over the loss of two little sweet arborvitae this past winter (bad rabbits!). Well these new plants on display were on sale – AND over 4 feet tall! That’s it – the window shopping now got a lot more interactive. I had to have at least one!

"New" and "Injured" arborvitae - in their new 'homes'
(The potted arborvitae will find a new place in the 'SW Garden')
Then as my son and I walked through the garden gates, I started to salivate (just like Pavlov’s dog). While the flower selection was limited to cold climate charmers, like pansies, etc., the perennials were bountiful. My son started to eye me suspiciously. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of a PJM Rhododendron, in the most stunning shade of purple…. That’s it, I was done for. My heart raced, my palms started to sweat and I knew one of these pearls was coming home with me.  

As I have mentioned in a number of previous posts – I have not had success with Azaleas and Rhododendrons. I contend that it’s been because I haven’t had the right environment – up until now! The ‘Shade Garden’ to the east of my 3-season room has eastern exposure, with only morning sun (a “must” according to the growing specs) AND it is fully protected from the harsh north and west winter winds! Could THIS be the winner?!? Only time will tell! 

So with a twinkle in my eye, I grabbed a big cart and headed for check out. I was ‘shocked’ when my son accused me of ulterior motives of our ‘bonding’ time, as he hefted the arborvitae on a flat cart! When my husband came home and saw 5 feet of arborvitae on the front stoop – the first thing he said was “I thought you were just ‘window-shopping’?” I sheepishly smiled, and said, “But honey, I needed it! Honest!”

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

LOL – I thought I was in control?

I have decided that ‘Mother Nature’ must have a great sense of humor. There’s this vision that she just sits back and howls in laughter, as I think I’m in control of my gardens and their successes?!!   …irony abounds…. 

Northern Illinois has been blessed with some phenomenal weather – warm for a week now, with two days of good soaking rains. Buds are exploding all over the garden…. MOST interestingly, the CUT Redtwig dogwood branches I stuck in a big pot on the front stoop for Christmas color in December! Just look at the leafing ….

THIS is growing in a ‘tub full o’ potting soil, and happy as a clam! Do I dare hope I’ve propagated new plants, with sheer dumb luck and Devine Intervention? All I know is that I’m NOT going to touch them and see how far this growth spurt will go. 

My 'Center Glow Ninebark' looks amazing as it starts to bloom! I am infatuated with the color, and will be on a mission to find complimentary plants to show off this beauty. 

I’m also crazy about my ‘Crimson Pixie’ Asiatic Lilies that have run wild…. 

The true irony of all this, is that I can’t take credit for my plant growth success. I was just the catalyst that brought ‘plant to ground’ in my yard, with a little compost and water. Other plants – set in the same environment, have not raised their heads yet…though other garden friends have those plants up out of the ground. 

The ‘Key Lime’ Heuchera or Japanese Painted Fern hasn’t poked up yet. Or the ‘Fire & Ice’ Hosta which was a ‘must have’ last year. So, I’ll sit on pins & needles – listening to Ma Nature cackling in my imagination – waiting for the other plants to show up. Boy, I’m just loving this! (Really, no kidding!) BTW, my body is still recovering from weeding all weekend long – d@mn dandelions!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

BOOYA! It's 80 degrees on April 1st (NO joke!)

Nothing makes you feel like a million bucks like when you get an unexpected run of great (unseasonable) weather!  There is an amazing breeze blowing through the house this evening as I write this entry.  I have great aspirations to spend the day outside tomorrow in the yard. 

I further assessed the winter damage to the plants this afternoon. Bushes must not be as hardy as perennials?! “Willow” has a number of crispy, dead branches – poor thing was attacked by slugs (bad batch of purchased compost?) last fall! ‘She’ does have new leafing – so there is hope.  

[As a sidebar: aren’t slugs THE single most disgusting varmint yet?!!

I’m trying not to freak out at the amount of dandelions that have to be excavated tomorrow. And isn’t it amazing how close they grow to your favorite plants?!!?

So here’s my assessment today…

What’s coming up (last year's photo - for 'effect'!!)


Stella D'Oro
(BIG yay! These were transplants from before construction)
Moonbeam (& 'Sweet Dreams') Coreopsis

Paprika Yarrow

Karl Forester
Here’s what’s currently MIA: 
Golden Privet

Rose Mallow
Dwarf Fountain Grass

And of course the ‘Original’ victim --- the Emerald Green arborvitae, that met its maker during the winter as an a la carte item at the “Bunnies’ Buffet”!  We’ll see how I fair after tomorrow’s garden clean up! I’m getting the Advil out now!!

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